Tuesday Thoughts and Life Lessons #8: Short and Sweet

Or in other words, relax and enjoy yourself while you can. With the risk of sounding like an old broken tape recorder, I had decided to be very efficient on my last days of Holiday. Really? Have I not learned yet? My to do list filled up half a sheet of a paper and I... Continue Reading →

Old endings and new beginnings

In the blogosphere where I like to hang out, people are doing their end year reviews. Looking back at the ups and the downs, obstacles, lessons learned, mishaps as well as miracles showing up when least expected. When I started this blog in January 2015 I already thought how fun it would be to one... Continue Reading →

A piece of cake

is how we express it when things just move on effortlessly as if we had no part in the action at all. Well, this year has been far from a piece of cake. Probably no year is but some seem more filled with ups and downs than others, at least in retrospect. And I am... Continue Reading →

Monday musings

Yesterday a chiropractor had his way with me for the first time in my life. Ouch! But the pain in my hip is gone. Today for the first time ever, I had a pleasurable non-invasive facial. Ahh, blissful heaven. Laguuni day spa is indeed a small heaven on earth. A spa I have wanted to... Continue Reading →

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