Tuesday Thoughts and Life Lessons #8: Short and Sweet

Or in other words, relax and enjoy yourself while you can. With the risk of sounding like an old broken tape recorder, I had decided to be very efficient on my last days of Holiday. Really? Have I not learned yet? My to do list filled up half a sheet of a paper and I had it all planned out what to do on Monday. Tuesday on the other hand was booked for leisure and some serious last minute laziness.

Haa, was I fooled! On Sunday afternoon I felt so sick that I thought I had got food poisoning from the chicken I had made as a very late lunch. An awful migraine type of pounding headache followed by sweating, nausea and dizziness. I could barely speak and had to go to sleep very early. On Monday which was supposed to be my official, efficient almost last day before going back to work I felt OK, but still very off. I decided to do nothing but read and lay in bed in the company of two furry animals. Even Scarlett O’Hara knew that tomorrow is another day so I transferred my long to do list till Tuesday.

Well guess what? Why do today what you can do tomorrow? The sun is shining and it is far too warm to make any phone calls (which take up most part of my to do list) so off I went and planted my butt firmly on the slightly uncomfortable chairs of my favorite summer oasis Café Qwensel. The chocolate cake was exactly as delicious as when I had it last week….  If you click on the link above you will find a picture taken in July by Jesse Elliot and even if I cannot find myself on the picture (I might have!) I recognize another one of their regular guests 🙂 .

So psst… do not tell my boss but I will probably make those phone calls tomorrow when at work…






3 thoughts on “Tuesday Thoughts and Life Lessons #8: Short and Sweet

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  1. I’m sorry you weren’t feeling good on the day you had planned to do everything. I’m not surprised, though, that you chose to put off your chores for another day when it was so nice outside. Life is short; enjoy nice weather and chocolate cake when you can. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Putting off to tomorrow definitely has it’s perks! That pie and cake looks damn good! Glad to hear you are better. Hope not too dismayed about the events in Turku- try to vary how you walk to work or your destination. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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